Sunday, 27 November 2016

single command to kill all the redis processes running on a system

A running redis instance can be stopped by executing the command SHUTDOWN. This command will save the running redis into a backup RDB file and stop the redis server. It also has the option of not saving the RDB file and just stopping the redis server by executing "SHUTDOWN NOSAVE".

src/redis-cli SHUTDOWN NOSAVE

Sometimes in redis, particularly when testing redis cluster, we have a number of redis instances running on a system.

When we need to stop all the instances of the redis cluster, we can execute "SHUTDOWN NOSAVE" on all the instances one by one.

A better way is to have a single for loop which does the job

for port in {7000..7005} do ; src/redis-cli -p $port SHUTDOWN NOSAVE ; done ;

What if SHUTDOWN command is renamed or disabled.

Many times, we prefer to disable or rename the SHUTDOWN command as described here, so that it cannot be used by a rogue client. If that is the case, redis servers will need to be stopped by killing the redis processes. Again, the normal way for this is to find out the processes using ps -ef | grep "redis-server" and then manually passing the process ids to kill command. However this can be done by a single command like the below.

ps -ef | grep 'redis-server' | awk '{ print $2}' | xargs kill -9

The above command will find out all the processes having 'redis-server' and get their Ids and pass them to the kill command.


Friday, 25 November 2016

redis data types and basic commands for each in redis

Sometime when working with redis, we need to know the data type of a particular key in redis.
This is useful to know what kind of commands should be executed against that key.
A key can have any one of the below data types.
  1. String
  2. Hash
  3. List
  4. Set
  5. Sorted Set
  6. HLL(they are stored as string types internally)
The "TYPE" command in redis can be used to find out type of a particular key.

Lets say we have a redis instance and we find out the keys by executing the "keys *" command. For simplicity, i have separate types of keys in redis.

For each of these keys, the 'type' command will give the type of the key.

For performing basic view operations on each of the types of redis keys, below are the types and commands for each.

          GET  command in redis can be used to get the data in a string key.

 src/redis-cli GET mystringkey



         HGETALL command can be used to view the data in a hash. It returns a list of values, which consists of the key followed by the value of that key.  Like in the below, in the key "myhashkey", field1 has value value1 while field2 has value value2. Hashes are normally stored to store an object which can have many fields, like a user can have various fields like name, age, gender, etc, so that the key can be user:<userid>, fields can be name, age, gender etc and values can be 'Jurgen', 50, 'm'

src/redis-cli HGETALL myhashkey

        Lists in redis are infact linked list, and data can be pushed or removed from either ends.    LRANGE command in redis can be used to view the data in a list, while LLEN can be used to get the length of the list.

src/redis-cli LLEN mylistkey
src/redis-cli LRANGE mylistkey -100 100


          Set in redis consists of unique elements. The values in set can be viewed using the SMEMBERS command. 

src/redis-cli SMEMBERS mysetkey

Zset (Sorted Set)
          Sorted Set in redis contains the string data along with a score. Finding out any entry for a particular score takes log N time where N is the number of entries stored in a key. ZRANGEBYSCORE command can be used to view the data in a sorted set. Sorted sets are normally used for storing data involving some leaderboard where each user has a particular score. Another use case where sorted sets can be useful is in reporting where the data can be stored as value and date in YYMMDD format can be stored as a score. To get the data between two dates, ZRANGEBYSCORE query can be used.

src/redis-cli ZRANGEBYSCORE mysortedsetkey -INF +INF WITHSCORES
src/redis-cli ZRANGEBYSCORE mysortedsetkey 90 100 WITHSCORES

         HyperLogLog(HLL) in redis is used to calculate the estimate the number of unique values in a key without storing the actual values!!! Sounds too good to be true, go through this link to understand more. HLLs are stored as strings, so you can do the normal GET operation on it, but to approximately calculate the number of unique keys in a key, the command which is used is PFCOUNT

src/redis-cli PFCOUNT myhllkey

So what happens when we try to try to get a key using a separate command that what is expected for that type, say when we try to GET a hash key instead of HGETALL?
We get the error, "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value" which is expected since we should be using HGETALL command to get the data from a hash instead of GET.


Sunday, 20 November 2016

How to get a random key in redis

Sometimes when we are on the redis prompt on an unknown database, we need to see some random key to know what sort of keys exist in this redis instance.
We can try the "keys *" command but it scans all the keys.
To get a random key, redis "randomkey" command can be used, as documented here.

As expected randomkey returns a random key from the dataset.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Redis Cluster - How to fix a cluster which is in broken state after migration

Sometimes in redis cluster, we need to expand the redis cluster by adding more machines. This is accomplished by adding more machines, making them as part of the cluster and resharding the existing cluster as explained here.

However, many times, the cluster is stuck in an inconsistent state when there is an error in resharding. This can happen because of many reasons like sudden termination of reshard script, redis timeout error while moving slots(in case the keys are too big), or if a key already exists in the target database(because it involves migration).

There is no quick fix to these problems, and one would have to understand the internals of how a slot movement happens.

But there is a general rule on what can be done to try to fix if a redis cluster is stuck in an inconsistent state during reshard/migration.

The following two are important ways to fix a cluster which was broken because of migration.

Run the Fix Script

Fixing a resharding error can be done by running the fix script provided by redis.
It can be run using

./redis-trib.rb fix

We will need to change the ip address and port as per your configuration. Also, you only need to provide the ip address/port of only a single node which is part of the cluster. The configuration of the other nodes are read automatically by the script.

If the above cannot fix the cluster state, then you can follow the below step.

Setting the Cluster slots to a particular node.

Manually checking the keys in the unstable slot, and setting the slot to be served by a particular slot. We can execute the "cluster nodes" command on all the nodes and see if any slot in set in a migrating/importing state. If we are sure a slot belongs to a particular node and the node holds and serves the data for that slot, we can set the slot to that node by executing the cluster setslot <slot> node <nodeid> command as described here.

If a node does not have the correct configuration as per cluster nodes command executed on it, and it shows that the slot 1000 is with some other node, but for all other nodes, it shows that it is with the node with node id abcdefgghasgdkashd, then we need to correct the configuration of that node( It can be executing like  the following.

redis-cli -h -p 7001 cluster setslot 1000 node abcdefgghasgdkashd

The above command just assures the node that the slot 1000 is served by the node with node id abcdefgghasgdkashd, and that the node should correct its configuration to affect the below.

Note that you need to run it if you are sure that all other nodes agree to it with their cluster nodes command, and you are sure that the data for slot 1000 resides in the node abcdefgghasgdkashd.

Friday, 11 November 2016

redis cluster - slave sync with master failed - client scheduled to be closed ASAP for overcoming of output buffer limits.

Sometimes while working with redis cluster, and while the master-slave replication happens, sometimes slave is not able to sync itself to the master.
While syncing, the slave's connection to the master breaks again and again.

The following are the logs on the slave instance(IP:Port are masked).

10 Nov 17:09:20.387 * Connecting to MASTER IP1:PORT1
10 Nov 17:09:20.387 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started
10 Nov 17:09:20.387 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.
10 Nov 17:09:20.387 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...
10 Nov 17:09:20.388 * Trying a partial resynchronization (request 479e75d20ac03150de943a24d9b61300b6fa59d0:266086101935).
10 Nov 17:09:20.894 * Full resync from master: 479e75d20ac03150de943a24d9b61300b6fa59d0:266259284057
10 Nov 17:09:20.894 * Discarding previously cached master state.
10 Nov 17:10:31.281 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: receiving 3811948917 bytes from master
10 Nov 17:10:40.138 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Flushing old data
10 Nov 17:11:11.933 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Loading DB in memory
10 Nov 17:12:37.115 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Finished with success
10 Nov 17:12:37.849 # Connection with master lost.
10 Nov 17:12:37.849 * Caching the disconnected master state.
10 Nov 17:12:38.866 * Connecting to MASTER IP1:PORT1
10 Nov 17:12:38.866 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started
10 Nov 17:12:38.866 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.

The error keeps repeating itself.
Somehow the error above does not give much clue. Just when the master-slave sync succeeds, connection with master is lost.

Looking at the master logs give more clue.
Below are master logs.

10 Nov 17:09:20.383 * Slave IP2:PORT2 asks for synchronization
10 Nov 17:09:20.383 * Unable to partial resync with slave IP2:PORT2 for lack of backlog (Slave request was: 266086101935).
10 Nov 17:09:20.383 * Starting BGSAVE for SYNC with target: disk
10 Nov 17:09:20.889 * Background saving started by pid 37651
10 Nov 17:10:30.557 * DB saved on disk
10 Nov 17:10:30.844 * RDB: 283 MB of memory used by copy-on-write
10 Nov 17:10:31.276 * Background saving terminated with success
10 Nov 17:10:39.561 * Synchronization with slave IP2:PORT2 succeeded
10 Nov 17:11:09.060 # Client id=2292912 addr=IP2:23666 fd=233 name= age=109 idle=9 flags=S db=0 sub=0 psub=0 multi=-1 qbuf=0 qbuf-free=0 obl=0 oll=7104 omem=127259816 events=rw cmd=psync scheduled to be closed ASAP for overcoming of output buffer limits.
10 Nov 17:11:09.160 # Connection with slave IP2:PORT2 lost.
10 Nov 17:12:38.861 * Slave IP2:PORT2 asks for synchronization
10 Nov 17:12:38.861 * Unable to partial resync with slave IP2:PORT2 for lack of backlog (Slave request was: 266261610586).
10 Nov 17:12:38.861 * Starting BGSAVE for SYNC with target: disk

The Key part is cmd=psync scheduled to be closed ASAP for overcoming of output buffer limits.

It seems to show that the slave connection was closed as it reached output buffer limits for the master.
Somehow we need to fix this.
There is a setting in the conf file
client-output-buffer-limit slave 256mb 64mb 60

Reading the excellent documentation seems to suggest that the two limits, 256 mb and 64 mb are two limits, hard limits and soft limits. If the client connection for slave exceeds 256 mb or exceeds 64 mb continuously for 60 seconds.

We can either increase this setting, and restart the master server, but it seems too much of an effort and a risk and restarting a master may make its outdated slave trying to become a master.
Thankfully, this can be changed at runtime by executing the following command on master server.

redis-cli -h MASTER_IP -p MASTER_PORT CONFIG get client-output-buffer-limit

It gives the output as 
1) "client-output-buffer-limit"
2) "normal 0 0 0 slave 268435456 67108864 60 pubsub 33554432 8388608 60"

Notice that the hard and soft limits for slave is 256 MB/64 MB (268435456/67108864 bytes)
We will update it to  1 GB/256 MB(1073741824/268435456 bytes) by executing the following command.

redis-cli -h MASTER_IP -p MASTER_PORT CONFIG set client-output-buffer-limit "normal 0 0 0 slave 1073741824 268435456 60 pubsub 33554432 8388608 60"

Note that depending on how far your slave is lagging behind the master and how fast your slave is able to consume the data from the master while syncing, you may have to increase the limit to more than 1GB/256 MB. Just be sure to go through the excellent documentation of client-output-buffer-limit in redis.conf.

After executing this command, we see that the slave succeeds in syncing with the master and does not give any other error.  

Below are the logs on slave after executing the command.

10 Nov 17:15:58.692 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started
10 Nov 17:15:58.692 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.
10 Nov 17:15:58.692 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...
10 Nov 17:15:58.692 * Trying a partial resynchronization (request 479e75d20ac03150de943a24d9b61300b6fa59d0:266435075281).
10 Nov 17:15:59.195 * Full resync from master: 479e75d20ac03150de943a24d9b61300b6fa59d0:266612963059
10 Nov 17:15:59.195 * Discarding previously cached master state.
10 Nov 17:17:10.490 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: receiving 3811953308 bytes from master
10 Nov 17:17:19.613 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Flushing old data
10 Nov 17:17:53.203 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Loading DB in memory
10 Nov 17:19:19.332 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Finished with success
10 Nov 18:01:31.139 * Background saving started by pid 16989


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

How to move a single slot in redis cluster

In redis cluster, there are a total of 16384 logical slots, which are divided between multiple masters.
Often, when we need to add nodes to the redis cluster, we need to reshard the data.
This is done by redis-trib.rb utility file provided by redis.
However the redis-trib.rb utility can move N no of slots between masters, but it does not provide a function to move a single slot.
Moving a slot normally involves 3 steps as described here.

  1. setting the destination node to receive a slot.
  2. setting the source node to migrate a slot.
  3. migrating the data from source node to destination node.
  4. communicating source and destination nodes that the destination node is the owner of the slot.

Below is shown an existing cluster where the slots are equally divided between nodes.
Also, each node has some data.

We will try to move a slot, say slot no 102, from redis running on port 7000 to redis running on port 7001
The java code for it is below.

import java.util.List;

import com.lambdaworks.redis.MigrateArgs;
import com.lambdaworks.redis.RedisClient;
import com.lambdaworks.redis.RedisURI;
import com.lambdaworks.redis.api.sync.RedisCommands;
import com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster.models.partitions.ClusterPartitionParser;
import com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster.models.partitions.Partitions;
import com.lambdaworks.redis.cluster.models.partitions.RedisClusterNode;
import com.lambdaworks.redis.codec.Utf8StringCodec;
import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.CommandArgs;

public class RedisMoveSingleSlot {
public static void main(String[] args){
String sourceHost = "";
int sourcePort = 7000;
String destHost = "";
int destPort = 7001;
int slotToMove = 102;
moveSlot(sourceHost, sourcePort, destHost, destPort, slotToMove);
private static void moveSlot(String sourceHost, int sourcePort, String destHost, int destPort, int slot) {
// create connections to source and destinations.
RedisClient sourceClient = RedisClient.create(RedisURI.create(sourceHost, sourcePort));
RedisClient destinationClient = RedisClient.create(RedisURI.create(destHost, destPort));
RedisCommands<String, String> source = sourceClient.connect().sync();
RedisCommands<String, String> destination = destinationClient.connect().sync();
// get the source node Id and destination Node Id.
String sourceNodeId = source.clusterMyId();
String destinationNodeId = destination.clusterMyId();

//STEP 1, set destination to be importing slot from source.
destination.clusterSetSlotImporting(slot, sourceNodeId);
//STEP 2, set source to be migrating slot to destination.
source.clusterSetSlotMigrating(slot, destinationNodeId);
// STEP 3 starts, we need to move all the keys from source to destination.
List<String> keys = source.clusterGetKeysInSlot(slot, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// move keys in batches of 100, 
int keySize = 100;
System.out.println("Slot : " + slot + " : got keys of size : " + keys.size() );
if(keys != null && keys.size() > 0){
List<List<String>> listOfListOfKeys = Lists.partition(keys, keySize);
int noOfKeysMoved = 0;
for(List<String> listOfKeys : listOfListOfKeys){
MigrateArgs<String> migrateArgs = new MigrateArgs<>();
CommandArgs<String, String> args1 = new CommandArgs<String, String>(new Utf8StringCodec());;
// migrate the keys from source to destination in db 0(default), and will some timeout set, here set to 5000 secs.
source.migrate(destHost, destPort, 0, 5000000, migrateArgs);
noOfKeysMoved = noOfKeysMoved + listOfKeys.size();
System.out.println("totally moved " + noOfKeysMoved + " for slot " + slot);
//STEP 3 finished.

// STEP 4, set cluster set slot on source and destination and close the source and destinations.



// STEP 4 done.
System.out.println("Moved slot " + slot);

After the code is executed, it moved 2 keys(which belonged to slot 102) and slot no 102 from redis on 7000 port to redis on 7002 port.
Below was the output of "cluster nodes" and "dbsize" command on each nodes.
Note that the slot 102 moved. Also the no of keys belonging to redis with 7001 port increased by 2.

Storing files in redis

In Redis, data can be stored in various types like String, Hash(HashMap), Set, SortedSet, List etc.
Today we will see the java code to store a file in redis.
File is normally stored in the form of byte array in Redis.
First we start the redis server by executing the below in redis home directory.

This will start the server.
We can see that there is no data in it by executing the "dbsize" command.

The below java code for uploading the file uses Jedis client, although Lettuce client can also be used.
The code saves redis-3.2.4.tar.gz in the redis, but any other file can also be stored in it.
It will save the byte array in redis. further it will get the data from redis and store it as a file with a different name on the disk.

<pre class="brush: java">
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;

public class RedisUploadFile {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String host = "localhost";
int port = 6379;
String filePath = "/Users/test/redis/";
String fileName = "redis-3.2.4.tar.gz";
String newFileName = "new_"+ fileName;
Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port);
byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(new File(filePath+fileName).toPath());
byte[] key =
System.out.println("Setting bytes of length:" + bytes.length + " got from file " + filePath + fileName + "in redis.");
jedis.set(key, bytes);

byte[] retrievedBytes = jedis.get(key);
System.out.println("Saving data in file " + filePath + newFileName);
Files.write(Paths.get(filePath+newFileName), retrievedBytes);



After the above code is run, it will save the tar file in the redis, and will download it from redis and save it in a separate name.

After that, we can see that the data is also stored in redis by executing "dbsize" command, which returns 1, "keys *" command which returns the key.
Getting the key returns the stored binary representation of the file.

Also, we can see that the file is also created on the file system.